Information: Unscheduled Professorships
Contact Person
Frau Christin Schönfelder
Faculty of Medicine
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg
Tel.: 0391-67-15752
Fax: 0391-67-15310
Legal Basis:
An "unscheduled professorship" is awarded on the basis of § 48 (3) of the Higher Education Act of the Land of Saxony-Anhalt (HSG LSA)
§ 48 para. 3 Private Lecturers and Unscheduled Professors
(3) |
At a university or at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, at the request of a faculty, the senate decides on a private lecturer or a personality who is active in artistic teaching after four years of probation in teaching, research, development and artistic undertakings to confer the title "Extraordinary Professor". The award is made by the management of the university. The award may be revoked if, for reasons attributable to that person, there has been no teaching and research for two years, unless they have reached the age of 62. The procedure for the award and its revocation is regulated by the statute of the Senate. |
Procedure for Awarding an "Unscheduled Professorship"
At the Medical Faculty of Magdeburg, the procedure for awarding the designation "unscheduled professor" is carried out on the basis of appropriate implementing provisions, which the faculty council has decided.
- Implementation Provisions for awarding the title "Unscheduled Professor / Extraordinary Professor"
- - Annex 1: Form
- Annex 2: Commitment Declaration
- Annex 3: Award Criteria
- Annex 4: Teaching Evidence Form (example)
- - Annex 1: Form
- Information from the APL Commission
- Determination of the Rank Factors
- Checklist