Open positions
Post Doc Position in the Department of Experimental Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Faculty, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg for three years.
The Experimental Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Medical Faculty, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany ( is dedicated to research on cellular mechanisms of perinatal immune tolerance. We work with in vivo murine models of pregnancy including spontaneous abortion, pre-term birth, intrauterine growth retardation and gestational hypertension. Further models include ex vivo assays with primary cells, likewise organoids and complex cell co-cultures and classical in vitro cultures. Our primary interest is the understanding of the roles played by cells of the innate and adaptive immune system in tolerance and local adaptations to pregnancy. In the last years we have expanded our portfolio and are committed to investigate the impact of endocrine contaminants on fetal health. For this, we study single endocrine disruptors as well as mixtures of them in elegant models of pregnancy to understand mid- and long-term impact in the fetal/newborn health. Our Department offers the opportunity to perform cutting-edge research in a world-class research environment with excellent technical facilities including high frequency ultrasound and a very friendly working atmosphere.
We are searching for a highly motivated candidate with interest in immunology, pregnancy immunology/biology or neonatology to join our team. We offer a PostDoc position (payment according to E13 salary agreement) for 3 years for a project funded by the DFG to Prof. Ana C. Zenclussen. The project, a joint application between our Department and the group of Dr. Rodríguez at the CONICET-Institute of Environmental Health in Santa Fe, Argentina, aims to unravel the influence of endocrine disrupting chemicals on innate immune cell-mediated tissue remodeling in perinatal events.
Applications from candidates holding a PhD, Dr. rer. nat., Dr. rer. med., Dr. med or Dr. med. vet. with strong background in cellular immunology or reproductive biology are highly encouraged. We further expect excellent English skills, solid statistics knowledge and the willingness to spend short research periods in the laboratory of our cooperation partner.
Please send your application including your CV, a short description of previous research projects, technical skills, and two references to Prof. Zenclussen at or
Deadline for the submission is May 15, 2020.